Carrie & Mike | East Village Engagement

Carrie & Mike | East Village Engagement Photos

Carrie & Mike’s engagement session went a little something like this:

Me: Do you really want Butters in all of the photos?

Carrie: All of them.

Mike: *subtle head nod*

Photographing these two and their famous pug Butters (@puggybutters) in the East Village was so much fun and truly a dream come true! We went to two whole dog cafes (Boris & Horton and DBA) and got to walk Butters in lovely Tompkins Square Park. It was so easy and breezy to capture the love these two have for each other––and Butters.

Carrie & Mike (& Butters) I loved traipsing around the East Village with you and CANNOT WAIT to photograph your wedding in May!!



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