Rachel & Ben’s Charming DIY Wedding

Rachel & Ben’s Charming DIY Wedding

I stepped off the elevator of Rachel & Ben’s Upper West Side apartment and followed the “This Way to the ‘I Do’s’” sign to a door decorated with “Mr” & “Mrs” and a little diamond ring around the doorbell. Ben excitedly opened the door to their living room which was decorated with beautiful hanging flowers. Rachel was about to reveal herself! As soon as she turned the corner, Ben’s mouth was agape and the tears started rolling. He seemed as taken with her as he probably was when they first met–he was overcome with emotion and it was adorable. It was a truly touching moment to witness.

After everyone had composed themselves, we had a lovely portrait session in their building’s garden and on their balcony. It was clear during their portrait session that these two were meant to be–Ben was such a gentleman with Rachel and Rachel looked at him with such palpable love in her eyes. We also grabbed a few shots with their adorable fat cat, Jasper before he was banished to the bedroom for cocktail hour.

It was an intimate ceremony with only their closest friends and family. The living room was filled to the brim with warm and loving energy. Rachel & Ben’s fathers jointly married the couple; recounting how perfectly they complimented each other and offering sound advice for a healthy marriage. After their sweet vows, the glass was stomped and the deed was mazel tov’ed–complete with bubbles from the adorable flower girls and pageboys.

Everyone was then surprised with a massive red stretch limo for a fun ride to Phillip Marie restaurant, where they had dinner in a romantically lit wine cellar.

Rachel & Ben, I wish you all the happiness in the world! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your beautiful day and capture your love 🙂


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