7 ways to prepare for your engagement session

7 ways to prepare for your engagement session!

Aside from picking an authentic location, good date, and being on time, here are some tips on preparing for the actual photoshoot!

1.Ready & In Style!

First thing’s first: just be authentic to who you are. Pick your outfits out as early as possible and make sure they compliment each other! Jewel tones are always great, and think about colors that look good on you personally. Guys can’t go wrong with a nice blazer. Girls, if you can pull off a fun skirt that’s always cute. If you’re not a skirt or dress person, a cute top with jeans is a nice relaxed look. You can be casual or dressy (or both if you want to do two looks). Again, do what’s true to you and your relationship or the type of energy you want for your photos. If you have any trouble with this, your photographer is available to help and probably has some style guidance for you should you need it. Once you pick your outfits, have them hung up or folded and ready to go the day before so you’re not rushing around or worried about wrinkles. If you want props, make sure to pack those up the night before too! Make sure everything is easy to carry around as you’ll probably be moving to different locations within your main location.

2. Trust Your Photographer.

Look through your photographer’s portfolio and remember that you chose them for a reason. This isn’t just because I’m a photographer, but trusting your photographer is a  great key to being comfortable working with them and being happy on your shoot date. Be open to working with them and trying new things.

3. Pin Away!

Your photographer will guide you in the right direction in terms of posing and how to best capture your relationship, so don’t worry about that. BUT it is  always helpful to have some visual inspiration before you start! Start a Pinterest board of pictures that you’re drawn to. If you haven’t chosen a location or outfits for your shoot yet, this can help with that! Stray away from “I need to have this exact Pinterest picture” because it’s unrealistic-you’ll have your own unique and beautiful pictures–your Pinterest board is just for inspiration!

4. Shine that Ring!

This isnt a must but it’s always a plus to get your ring cleaned before the shoot so it looks shiny and new. It’ll be a prominent feature in your photos!

5. Breathe.

One of you may not be as into it as the other. That’s ok. But again, remember that it’s just a date. If you start to get tense or stressed, take a nice deep breath, look at your partner, and remember how much you love them. Ta-da! There’s now magically a great photo op.  I often have clients just talk to each other while I shoot- this can help you guys be in your own little date bubble.

6. Be Honest.

This goes for any sort of shoot, but be open and honest with your photographer about anything you may want them to know before, during, and after the shoot. ie: absolutely don’t take any pictures of my left eye (jk but maybe not), please get a shot like xyz if possible, I really want my grandmother’s earrings to be clearly visible in some of the shots, or I mostly want shots from the waist up. Your photographer wants you to be happy and comfortable, so tell them what you need and/or want to!

7. It’s A Date!

If you and/or your significant other are nervous, have some snuggle time the night before and chat about the nice little “date” you’ll be having tomorrow. After all, the engagement shoot is a sort of date for you two! You get to be loving on each other for a couple hours. Yeah, there will be a person with a camera there, but the more you enjoy each other’s company, the more your relationship will shine through in your engagement photos. You can also plan to continue the date after your shoot–you’ll have been moving around a lot and will probably be hungry so go grab a bite at a nice restaurant or see a movie and go for the popcorn, chocolate and icee cause you deserve it!

Hope this is helpful.!Feel free to comment or email if you have any questions or input! Now go be you (tiful)!




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