Central Park Engagement Shoot with April & Charlie

April & Charlie’s Central Park Engagement

April and Charlie’s engagement shoot started with a slight incident involving the definition of the word “canoodle” on Charlie’s part. After everything was all cleared up, April and Charlie did ultimately, in fact, canoodle and laugh their way through the park with me.  These two recently moved to NYC from good ole South Carolina, so I took them on a tour of sorts from Bethesda Fountain up through to the most confusing but beautiful part of the park, The Ramble!

Towards the end of the shoot, they were both feeling a bit peckish. April told me she was vegan, but as I was about to suggest some vegan spots in the area, Charlie said he wanted a burger…vegans be damned! Neither of them had heard of Shake Shack, so naturally I 100% forced them to go there after our shoot. I’m happy to report that I received a text from April a few hours later telling me I got an A+ on that rec. This was followed by a screenshot of the definition of “canoodle” for good measure.




kiss and cuddle amorously.”she was caught canoodling with her boyfriend”

Jokes aside, it was an absolute pleasure to take a stroll and get to know these two. I’m so lucky that I was able to capture their laughter and love!


  1. Amber says:

    This is simply beautiful

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